Amazing 10 Facts About Brain

The human brain is part of the central nervous system. It is an organ, not a muscle, and is made up of over 100 billion cells. The two main brain cells are neurons and glial cells. The average human brain weighs around three pounds and has a volume of about 1,300 cubic centimeters. 

1. The Brain Is Not a Muscle
While we talk about exercising our brains and increasing brainpower, the brain is not actually a muscle, Brain is an organ that is responsible for numerous bodily functions. Our brains control our breathing and send messages to our muscles, telling them to move.

2. The Human Brain Has More Than 100 Billion Cells

The brain is a hub of activity and, in order to keep everything functioning correctly, it takes a lot of cells! There are more than 100 billion cells in the human brain that ensure our bodies are constantly moving when we tell them to, processing information from our eyes, ears, mouths, and skin, and making new memories.

3. Brains Are Made of Neurons and Glial Cells

Brain facts indicate that two types of cells make up the brain: neurons and glial cells. Glial cells are the foundation and infrastructure of the brain, while neurons are the messengers, sending information to different parts of the body.

4. Fish, Nuts, and Whole Grains Are Brain Food

Certain foods are believed to be very beneficial for the brain. Some of these foods are higher in good fats, such as fish, avocados and nuts. Others contain what some people think of as brain vitamins that may boost brainpower. These foods include leafy greens and olive oil. Wholegrains provide glucose as a source of energy for the brain.

5. The Brain Functions as the Body’s Control Center

Our brains are the control centers for our bodies. The brain controls all the other organs of the body. It secretes hormones and provides information regarding, for example, which arm to move and when. It creates and holds memories, synthesizes what our eyes see, makes sense of what we touch, and provides the ability for conscious thought.

6. We Use 100% of Our Brains, Not 10%

It’s a common myth that we only use 10% of our brains. The truth is, we actually use our entire brains. Our brains use 20% of our body’s energy, in part because they are constantly active, even when we aren’t.

7. Strokes and Tumors Can Affect the Brain

Two other types of brain diseases are strokes and tumors. Strokes occur when blood flow to the brain is stopped, generally by a clogged artery. Strokes can lead to brain damage, paralysis, and death.
Tumors are growths of abnormal tissues. In the brain, tumors can affect different things depending on where they are located. For example, tumors in the occipital lobe can affect sight and tumors in the frontal lobe can affect mood and behaviors.

8. The Sperm Whale Has the Largest Brain

The average adult male sperm whale has a brain that is 8,000 cubic centimeters. That’s more than six times the size of the average human brain. Sperm whales are more than 10 times the size of the average adult male, though, so their brain-to-body-mass ratio is not the largest.

9. The Green Anole Lizard Has the Smallest Brain

There are animals with no brains and animals with nerve centers that resemble brains. If we exclude those animals, the animal with the smallest brain is thought to be the green anole, a lizard commonly sold as a pet.

10. Brain Size Does Not Correlate with Intelligence

Brain facts indicate that brain size is not correlated with intelligence. While the human is considered the smartest animal, it does not have the largest brain. Animals with larger brains include whales and elephants. Brain size most commonly corresponds with body size.

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