Quotes Of Narendra Modi the prime minister of India

🙏 Narendra Modi 🙏

The boy was ever sold tea is today the prime minister of India.

He became the chief minister of Gujarat in October 2001, and has continued since then. Credited for growth of Gujarat..

👉  There is no full stop in politics.

👉  The government at the Center has no will to tackle terrorism. It’s a demand of time to take strict action against terrorism which the United States did after 9/11 and since then terrorists didn’t dare to target the country.

👉  I want to warn the Central government that the Kashmir issue is very sensitive and they will have to take people of the nation into confidence before reaching to any conclusion.

👉  Gujarat has always shown a new path to the country. Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel led the country for freedom and now Gujarat is leading the country in many fields like agriculture, education and petrochemicals,

👉  People in the West have created a wrong impression of Indians because we worship trees. We term trees as deities, yet cut them down. Similarly, Hindu gods are associated with one or another animal, bird or tree. This teaches us to respect them.

👉  IT+IT = IT Indian talent + Information technology = India Tomorrow

👉  We need a fast and Eco-friendly mass transportation facility between Ahmadabad and Mumbai, which will help in the faster growth of Gujarat and western India’s economy

👉  I can assure you that the train made in Gujarat can become a cause of huge worry in Delhi.

👉  People are not upset when any other player is out with a low score, but if Sachin Tendulkar is out even at 90, he is criticized because people judge him on a different scale. I’m glad that I, too, have been judged on a scale of expectations and not on a scale of credit and discredit.

👉  My stand is clear from the beginning that I am in Gujarat, will remain in Gujarat and will do service to the people of the state.

👉  In my life, mission is everything. No ambition… Even if I was a municipal chairman… I would have worked as hard as I do as CM.

👉  In democracy, people’s verdict is always final and we all have to accept it with humility.

👉  Atrocities are being committed on Sikhs in Pakistan. They are being asked to pay jazia (tax for protection of non-Muslims), they are being asked to pay 50 million rupees. They are forced out of their houses and are living a terrible life there. I want to ask our prime minister that what he has done about it till now?

👉  When we say that Prime Minister is weak, we are not discussing his physical fitness. We mean that the dignity of the post he is holding has been lowered. The office where he sits, the PM’s office is supposed to be the most powerful, strong office, but the strength of the office is not visible

👉  Some leaders are planting stories against me. You used my services and now want to dump me. This is totally unfair and unacceptable.

👉  Literacy among Muslims in Gujarat is higher than any other state.

👉  The 21st century is an era of knowledge. If poverty is to be abolished in this century, it can be abolished only through knowledge.

👉  For every policy they have a precedent. My grandmother did this, my father did that and my great-grandfather did something else. Is this how you run a country?

👉  We do not run government on whims of an individual, our progress is reforms driven, our reforms are policy driven and our policies are people driven.

👉  For me whole Gujarat is SEZ – Spirituality, Enterprise and Zeal
👉  I didn’t become CM on 07-10-2001. I have always been CM; I am CM today and shall be CM forever. For me CM means not Chief Minister but Common Man.

👉  Mere good governance is not enough; it has to be pro-people and pro-active. Good governance is putting people at the center of development process.

👉  There is no red tapism in my state, all red carpets.

👉  Desire + stability = Resolution. Resolution + Hard work = Success

👉  My struggle is to bring ‘life’ in ‘file’.

👉  By getting an opportunity to serve society, we get a chance to repay our debt.

👉  Hard work never brings fatigue, it brings satisfaction.

👉  Each one of us has both; good and evil virtues. Those who decide to focus on the good ones succeed in life.


👉  Mind is never a problem; mindset is. 
👉  Let work itself be the ambition.

👉  Each one of us has a natural instinct to rise, like a flame of the lamp. Lets nurture this instinct.

👉  Only those who keep walking get sweet returns… look at the sun’s perseverance – dynamic & always on the move, never dormant… hence keep moving. 

👉 Only the Gandhi family – Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka – has been describing Singh as a successful PM… He (Singh) is a failed prime minister.  

👉  An opportunity to work is good luck for me. I put my soul into it. Each such opportunity opens the gates for the next one....

👉  In my life, mission is everything. No ambition… Even if I was a municipal chairman… I would have worked as hard as I do as CM.

👉  The PM in the election after this? Who has seen 2014? I only know where I will be this evening.

👉  In Congress rule, one has to be in queue for everything right from getting ration, essential commodities, and employment. In fact, Congress has become so used to queues, that it says even Afzal Guru’s file is in queue.

👉  Gujarat is probably the only state where Anganwadi workers are felicitated.


👉  I will make such a wonderful India that all Americans will stand in line to get a visa for India.

👉  Make in India is one of the pet project of PM Narendra Modi, 1000 business leaders from across the globe to attend it ,The scheme was announced by PM on August 15 in his speech , Campaign would be simultaneously launched in different cities.Modi would announce major incentives for corporate.

👉  Nag Panchami was created because snakes come out in the monsoon. People who are scared might kill them. The tradition of worshiping the Nag was started so that no one kills them.

👉  Our goal is Gujarat’s growth for India’s growth.

👉 Religion to me is devotion to work and devotedly working is being religious.

👉  Congress has become a 125-year-old elderly woman and is a burden for the country India.

👉  Politics for me is not Ambition… but a Mission.    

💙💚💛💜💚💛💜💙💚💛💜 Thanks for watching 💙💚💛💜💙💚💛💜💙💚💛💜

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